Media Images: 4 (a booth shot is required)
Saint Petersburg’s downtown renaissance has transformed the city’s bay front into a cultural and entertainment destination. Mainsail’s picturesque home in Vinoy Park is easily one of the most magnificent waterfront art festival venues in the country. Surrounded by upscale residences, unique galleries, charming shops, sidewalk cafes and a nearby entertainment complex, its location beckons savvy and well-versed art collectors who look forward each year to enjoying the best fine arts and fine crafts exhibited by artists from around the country. Delectable food from local restaurateurs, smooth jazz and pop entertainment, along with creative art activities for kids, makes this two-day celebration one of the bay area’s most eagerly anticipated events.
Mainsail’s “Young at ARt” continues to grow. Look for the colorful “Young at ARt” banners to find Mainsail’s student exhibition featuring artwork from our Pinellas County Schools.
Applications available through ZAPP on October 1. Applications must be submitted by midnight December 1.
On December 9, applications will be submitted to a panel of jurors for the juried selection process and acceptance into the festival.
Notifications will be sent by mid December.
February 1 is the last day for accepted artists to pay for booth space and also the last day to withdraw and receive a refund of a previously paid booth fee.
Judging for all awards, except Purchase Awards, will be based on the overall quality of all artwork exhibited rather than that of individual pieces. All judging is anticipated to be completed by the end of the day Saturday. In the event of inclement weather, judging may be delayed.
Your exhibit will be viewed initially by the Viewing Committee on Saturday morning prior to the official opening, and at intervals throughout the event. The Viewing Committee shall have the sole discretion to require the removal of artwork which violates any Mainsail rules. In the event of any rule infraction during the two-day show, the Viewing Committee will refer to the artist’s ZAPP images to verify artworks accepted for showing.
→ Best of Mainsail Gold Award (1) $10,000
→ Mainsail Silver Award (1) $5,000
→ Mainsail Bronze Awards (2) $2,500
→ Awards of Excellence (10) $1,500
→ Awards of Distinction (15) $1,000
→ Awards of Merit (20) $500
→ Purchase Awards (10) $200 each
The winners of Mainsail previous year Festival’s top 11 awards (Best of Show and 10 Awards of Excellence) are exempt from jurying, and are accepted automatically into their awarded category for the current festival. To confirm your participation, returning award winners must submit an application to ZAPP (by midnight December 1) and exhibition (booth) fee payment of $425 through ZAPP (by credit card, by midnight February 1st). A jury fee waiver coupon code will be provided to you via e-mail by Mainsail Art Festival on September 30.
Each artist is responsible for collecting Florida state sales tax (7%), and remitting it to the Florida Department of Revenue, Tallahassee, Florida. (Call 1-800-352-3671 for additional sales tax information.)
A completed application is a commitment by the originating artist to show in your accepted category(ies), to remain for the entire event and to abide by festival rules. There will be no exhibitor booth fee refund made for cancellations after February 15. To be eligible for any award, the artist must exhibit during show hours for the entire festival.
We will consider one artist as single exhibitor UNLESS that artist has a co-artist. A co-artist is someone who works with you to produce a single product. You can have only one co-artist, and your co-artist must be present at all times during the Mainsail Art Festival. In your booth you can only exhibit pieces produced by your collaboration with your co-artist. We do not put company names on booth signs.
Artists may apply in a maximum of two categories (one entry per category). If applying in two categories, the work in each must be substantially different in medium and technique. An artist selected in two categories is committed to display in both categories. Two separate adjacent spaces will be assigned – one for each category. Work in each category may not be combined.
To be paid with a credit card via ZAPP. No checks or money orders will be accepted.
→ $35 jury fee – Non refundable (Submit with application by midnight (P.S.T.) December 1)
→ $425 exhibition (booth) fee (Paid upon acceptance to the show. Non-refundable after midnight February 1st)
Please read these rules carefully and completely. Any artist violating any Mainsail rule must remove the exhibit immediately; such violation may affect the artist’s eligibility for future Mainsail presentations.
Only those fine craftsmen and artists accepted into the show and displaying their own original work may participate. No proxy exhibitors will be allowed. Photo I.D. will be required at check-in. All artwork must be original work done by the artist since January 1, 2011. All artwork must be for sale.
Every exhibitor must prominently display a copy of their Artist Statement in their booth, describing the technique, materials and processes used in the creation of their entire body of work. Co-artists must describe their collaboration.
Mechanical reproductions of your original artwork (photo offset, letterpress, photocopy, gravure, giclees or inkjet prints) – including those receiving additional modification or enhancement by the artist – must be matted and may not be sold as framed art or hung alongside original works. They must be clearly and individually labeled as “Reproductions.” All reproductions must be in signed editions of no more than 750. They must be displayed within the assigned booth space in a browse bin labeled “Reproductions.”
Photograph prints must be made from the artist’s original negative or digital files, and processed by the artist or under the artist’s supervision. Prints must be properly signed and numbered in reasonably-sized editions.
Digital art must be original artwork created by the artist on the computer and must be signed. Original, limited edition prints of digital art will be permitted and must be signed and numbered as part of an edition.
Ceramic, wood, glass and metal artworks must be handmade by the artist. No machine-made or mass produced artwork is allowed. If more than one piece of the same design is displayed, each must be signed.
All paintings should be appropriately framed or mounted. Unframed watercolors, drawings, graphics and photos must be displayed in a portfolio or browse bin. This show is for artists and craftsmen, and not for commercialism or dealers. Final interpretation of commercial status will be made by the Mainsail Art Festival, Inc. Committee. Exhibitors whose artwork does not correspond to the quality represented in their ZAPP images may be asked to remove their entire exhibit without fee refund.
→ Artwork created prior to January 1, 2010.
→ Works created from crocheting, knitting, millinery, picture frames, velvet paintings, kites, dolls, wind chimes, manufactured or kit jewelry, t‐shirts, decoupage, candles, manufactured beads, novelty shell craft, hanging glass ornaments, manufactured toys, etc.
→ Artist postcards, note cards, books and posters
→ CD, cassette or other musical recordings
→ Buy & sell items
→ Active solicitation of the public in any manner
Artists will not be limited to a maximum number of artworks. Exhibit spaces measure approximately 10’x10’. Spaces may not be shared. Allocation of spaces will be at the discretion of the Mainsail Committee. Each artist must provide an appropriate and substantial display for outdoor exhibition. Requests for specific locations by returning artists will be honored whenever possible, if indicated in Question 6 of this application. No e-mail or phone requests for booth space will be honored or answered. Work exhibited must be contained in the assigned space, unless the artist has paid for additional space. One additional space may be secured for $425, space permitting. No generators are permitted in artists’ booths.